Monday 29 February 2016

Kids Glutenzone Gluten Free Buns - Warning we are giving Rachel Allen a run for her money!!

There is no better way to teach our kids how to be awesome little chefs than let them lose in the kitchen making buns!! The presentation may not be perfect but they tasted awesome.

So what did she do? Well she:
- Sieved 100g Gluten Free self raising flour into a bowl
- Added 100g castor sugar
- 2 eggs beaten
- 100g olive oil butter (melted)
- Teaspoon of vanilla essence

Mix all the ingredients together with a wooden spoon.

Place into cake cases (we only have a small family so this made six buns which was loads for us.

Bake in oven at 180 degrees until brown on top (about 20 minutes)

We added left over Nutella as an easy topping once the buns were cooled. (I placed the Nutella in the microwave for a few seconds to soften).

And voila, awesome gluten free buns made by my mini me - well done Gracie!!

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