Sunday 10 January 2016

Glutenzone - A Year in Review 2015

2015 My Gluten Free Life’s Year in Review with Glutenzone

Let’s look back at the stunning Gluten Free year we had together!

We reached out with:

15 million impressions across Ireland on Facebook

20,000 Pinterest impressions

132,000 Twitter impressions

Our year in review

We launched our gluten free business directory for Ireland
After much research and hard work we finally launched our gluten free directory. A place where businesses and consumers can find and share gluten free information around Ireland.

Building brand awareness for businesses offering gluten free across Ireland
For businesses we have given you the opportunity to build your brand awareness within our directory as well as across our social media platforms.

Started to plan and develop a new You Tube channel coming soon in 2016
We have an exciting new You Tube channel that we will be launching soon offering expert advice on living gluten free as well as how to cook gluten free on a budget.

Struggled to get gluten free options when traveling abroad
Heidi went on her travels to Australasia and discovered that there is still much confusion worldwide about what is gluten free. Airports tended to be the biggest challenge. A gluten free emergency snack kit was in her handbag at all times!

Glutenzone’s team expanded due to meet the demand
Glutenzone went from a one man band to a team of three amigos. With such demand for gluten free information, the rapid growth of Glutenzone demanded more hands on deck.

And finally….
To make it all possible, we have YOU and our merry team to thank.

2016 will see us even busier helping you build an even stronger year marketing your gluten free business

Let’s Grow Your Business on

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