Sunday, 24 May 2015

Your First Steps to Gluten Free Living (part 1)

-          Cleanse your home of all food products containing gluten

Do not think you will have the will power – there comes a day when you ‘fall off the wagon’ and it’s so hard to go back when the temptations are in your home. I speak from experience!

-          Do not look for substitutes in the early days for common western foods like bread, biscuits, pasta etc. Look to change your style of eating

By achieving this if or when you do introduce gluten free alternatives into your diet you are not relying on them heavily. Not only are they high in fat but also can be costly.

-          Prepare
One of my favourite quotes is ‘fail to prepare, you prepare to fail’. It’s the same for your new eating regime. You don’t have to necessarily set out and follow a strict food plan but if you are anything like me my food cravings change every 5 minutes. However a few homemade frozen meals would be handy for those busy days.

-          Get some team support
Rather than look as this eating regime as a ‘phase’ or ‘diet’ look at it as an improvement in your eating habits. I see families everyday who cook 3 different meals because of the different eaters in their home (and they are not in a specialised diet!) and I say to them as I say to you, everyone should be singing from the same song sheet. You are not serving up weird, tasteless food (rather the opposite actually), so ask everyone to at least try your new ways. What they do outside of the home is up to them but some support is essential. They may surprise themselves and like it!

-          Know what to cook
We often have the best intentions in the world when embarking on a new eating regime but after a week of all the same foods; we run out of ideas and slowly skulk back into our old habits.
So to help you on your way here are your top 10 must haves for your kitchen cupboard and a 5 day guide to give you some ideas on what to do with the items.

Top 10 Gluten Free Must Haves
1)      Your choice of fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables, including herbs and spices
2)      Your choice of unprocessed meats and fish
3)      Basmati rice, rice noodles
4)      Eggs
5)      Mixed nuts and dried fruit
6)      Mixed seeds
7)      Agave nectar and/or honey
8)      Pro biotic yoghurt (cows, goats or soya milk)
9)      Gluten free soya sauce
10)  Meat/fish bones for stock

If you have additional questions please contact

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